Noise Level Coins

A new cell phone based coin is out, and looks promising. As of writing this, there are just over 12,000 users, so you can get in early!

This application is very easy to use and it measures the ambient sound levels near your phone over time, and you are rewarded in coins for that information. This information is then used to draw maps of what sound levels are like around the world.

To setup this on iPhone, visit here:

To setup this on Android, visit here:

You must use my username rylan9 to get in. As always, this helps support out site but you using my username! Thank you in advance!

Once open, click on the circle button on the bottom to start a measurement. As of now, it will allow up to 15 minutes at a time and that rewards you with 15 coins. Of course, this can change.

Check it out and let us know how you like it!